Published on Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Toronto - In her column published by Risk & Insurance Joanna Makomaski, President of Baldwin Global Risk Solutions Inc, provides very relevant advice in this period of the Covid-19 pandemic and urges companies not to seek perfection in urgently implemeting their business continuity plan. In the short term it is necesary to priotitize the survival of the organization, and then determine if its mission, vision and objectives should be reassessed in light of the new business reality which is taking shape in the medium and long term.
To learn more on her views on the subject, read her column by clicking on the following link:
Baldwin Global is an independent advisory group offering professional services, education and training in risk governance and enterprise risk management. We help our clients’ boards of directors and management teams attain their objectives by embedding sound risk oversight and management practices into their decision-making process to have a significant positive impact on their business.
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