All organizations, whether they are a profit-making company or a non-profit entity, have to prepare budgets, deliver products or services, and report on their actual performance relative to their budgets. This is a risky proposition usually marred with potentially significant variances.
Baldwin Global’s ERM framework and process is a comprehensive approach that can handle all types of risks, including the risks associated with financial forecasting and budgeting. By analyzing the biggest sources of uncertainty in your budgets, Baldwin Global's TARGET manager TM methodology can help your organization focus on the biggest forecasting risk drivers and improve the likelihood of delivering results that are on target or better at the end of the reporting period.
To get more information on Baldwin Global's TARGET manager TM program, or any other of our services, please click on Contact us.
A practical and efficient method based on leading expertise and years of experience.
How We WorkConcrete examples of what we can do for your company or organization.
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Suite 1400
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